Lewisham Virtual School Exclusions Policy
It is Virtual School policy that no child looked after should be permanently excluded from their educational placement.
Many schools make use of ‘internal exclusions’, while this still creates an opportunity for learning this must not be used as along-term solution.
LVS will ensure that systems are in place to identify children where engagement is decreasing before the lack of engagement starts to impact their child’s progress.
The Virtual School will ensure that all relevant agencies comply with and uphold the statutory guidance on school exclusions.
To reiterate, in line with the statutory guidance, Headteachers at the placement school must avoid permanently excluding any child looked after .
When LVS are informed of a child looked after’s behaviour which could lead to an exclusion, LVS will implement a course of action to ensure that permanent exclusions are avoided at all costs. Solutions will include, finding an alternative education provision suitable for the child’s needs or implementing a course of mentoring to help address the reasons behind this behaviour. LVS also have direct access to the Lewisham CAMHS services with two professionals who work directly with children looked after .
Please contact the relevant phase leader for more information.