About Lewisham Virtual School ‘Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service’ (CAMHS)


The Lewisham Virtual School CAMH service is an exciting new collaboration between the Lewisham virtual school team and Symbol (CAMHS team for children looked after). A CAMHS Clinical Psychologist, CAMHS Family Therapist  and Educational Psychologist have been appointed, to offer a service to Lewisham Children Looked After placed within Lewisham and the South East of England who have been identified by the virtual school as needing some input to aid their readiness to learn, or ability to engage more fully in education. See More


LVS High Intervention

Lewisham Virtual School employ a specialist high intervention officers to support the education of young people who have been identified as vulnerable to issues such as CSE. They work with a range of agencies to improve the life opportunities of young people in this cohort.
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Youth Employability Skills

The Virtual School supports the raising of achievement, motivation, confidence and abilities of Lewisham’s young people to help them prepare for education, employment, training or progression to higher education. It is the Virtual School’s aim to ensure that all of our young people undertake a minimum of 100 hours enrichment, employability and pastoral hours by the end of year 13.
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The Symbol Therapy Team

The Symbol Therapy Team – often just called Symbol – is the specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in Lewisham for adopted and children looked after . The team was named by a young person who used the service felt that, like a symbol, young people’s relationships to the team of staff were different and unique to each person.

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HOP – Hospital & Outreach Programme

At HOP, we are dedicated to ensuring pupils have their access to education preserved as much as the students illness allows, whilst they are unable to attend mainstream education due to health needs. This is done through supporting and empowering young people, schools, their families, carers and professional networks. See More