PEP – Personal Education Plan, via ‘ASSET for Schools’

Provider: ASSET for Schools

Together with Lewisham Virtual School, ASSET for PEPs designed a bespoke system that continues to improve the PEP process for children and young people in care and the professionals who support them.

The online platform allows increased monitoring across different cohorts and year groups on key indicators such as attainment, attendance, age-related expected progress, pupil premium expenditure and accountability.

For more information please visit: ASSET for Schools


Access requests to:

Maxine McLeod                                                                                                                                                Virtual School Communications Officer                                                          


Training & Guidance:


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a PEP?

The Personal Education Plan (PEP) provides the exclusive solution for the requirements expected by all parties involved to ensure a Child Looked After (CLA) achieves their educational targets and successful future outcomes.

PEPs are designed to make the planning, tracking and monitoring process even easier for Social Workers and Designated Teachers.

The PEP is a living and evolving document which acts as a record of the strategies in place to help a child looked after reach their educational potential.

It is our statutory duty to ensure that all children looked after have an effective and up to date PEP.

The PEP will follow the child/young person through their education:

  • Keeps a record of progress and academic achievement
  • Highlighting strengths
  • Identifying special needs
  • Areas for improvement
  • Establish clear goals
  • Identifying the agencies involved and responsible

PEP meetings are attended by:

  • Designated Teacher for Children Looked After at the school
  • Social Worker
  • Parent/Foster Carer
  • Child/young Person
  • Virtual School phase leader may attend

The social worker is responsible for initiating PEPs. The Designated Teacher is the key person in school responsible for agreeing and reviewing the PEP, and is also the PEP meeting chairperson.

Why is the PEP necessary?

The PEP is a fundamental and required element of a child in care’s education. All young people in care must have a current PEP, which should be reviewed termly (a PEP per term) as part of the statutory review of the young person’s care plan and education pathway.

What should happen at the PEP meeting?

The PEP meeting is a multi-agency review of a child’s progress and a discussion on what needs to be done to narrow the gap and produce the desired outcome for the young person. This meeting will include a discussion on the pupil premium plus (PP+) and how the funding will be implemented to impact the learning outcomes for the young person.

What is the Virtual School’s role?                                                                                                             

The virtual school’s role in the PEP process is to quality assure and ensure that PEPs are of a high quality.

Who should you contact for access and advice about PEPs?

For any advice and guidance on how to complete a high quality PEP, please contact the relevant phase leader, or Maxine McLeod for PEP access and technical support. PEPs are also downloadable  (pdf.) via the ASSET platform.