Lewisham Virtual School promotes and supports the educational attainment and progress of children and young people in care from Nursery to 18 years old, through effective collaboration with schools, social care, and other agencies.
Virtual School Aims
- To liaise and work closely with all agencies and teams involved with children and young people in care
- To raise the educational achievement for Lewisham’s children and young people in care
- To improve attendance of children and young people in care
- To improve the accuracy of educational data for children looked after and use such data to inform intervention
- To support access to full time educational placements
- To develop the role of designated teachers in schools through regular training opportunities
- To support the transition process for vulnerable children and young people in care
- To ensure there are zero permanent exclusions of children and young people in care
Virtual School Team – ‘meet the team’
Patrick Ward, Virtual School Head Teacher
Des Benjamin, Deputy Head Teacher, KS3/KS4 Phase Leader
Vee Howell, Assistant Head Teacher KS1/KS2 Post-Permanent Phase Leader
Andre Genas, Assistant Head Teacher, KS5 Phase Leader Andre.genas@lewisham.gov.uk
Dee Dee Roberts, Assistant Headteacher, Children In Need & Child Protection (CIN & CP), The Attachment Research Community (ARC) lead
Ervin Hall, High Intervention Officer
Nickie West-Jarrett, Attendance & Inclusion Officer
Maxine McLeod, Communications Officer, PEPs Coordinator
Patricia Dunkley, Virtual School Administrator and Finance Officer
Jo Matthews, Senior SEN Case Officer Jo.matthews@lewisham.gov.uk
Kim West, UASC & Higher Education Officer Kim.west@lewisham.gov.uk
Simone Woodward, Vocational and Employability Lead Simone.woodward@lewisham.gov.uk
Lottie Ormerod, Youth Employability Skills Coordinator Lottie.ormerod@lewisham.gov.uk
Eliott Hull, Learning Skills and Mentoring Apprentice Eliott.hull@lewisham.gov.uk
Samira Ayissi, Virtual School Learning Skills and Mentoring Officer – Apprentice Samira.Ayissi@lewisham.gov.uk
Amanda Davidson, Senior Specialist Educational Psychologist Children Looked After Amanda.davidson@lewisham.gov.uk
James Gilsenan, Educational Psychologist Children Looked After James.gilsenan@lewisham.gov.uk
Kate Smith, Clinical Service Lead
Bethan Morris, Clinical Psychologist
Cecile Nicholson-Hall, Systemic Family Therapist
At HOP, we are dedicated to ensuring pupils have their access to education preserved as much as the students illness allows, whilst they are unable to attend mainstream education due to health needs. This is done through supporting and empowering young people, schools, their families, carers and professional networks. See More
Richard Fowler, Assistant Headteacher CIN/CP
Inci Etem, Hospital Outreach Programme Manager Inci.etem@lewisham.gov.uk
Peri Mehmet, School Room Supervisor
Vacant, HOP English Teacher
Desrine Price, HOP Maths Teacher Deserine.price@lewisham.gov.uk
Dean Reddick, Art Therapist
Maxine McLeod, Finance Officer